Honoring the Life of Miguel Malek Malaouf

With profound sorrow, we announce the passing of Associate Professor Miguel Malek Malaouf of the University of Southern Denmark, a cherished researcher of the Sus-Leather project. Professor Malek was integral to our project, and his contributions were beyond measure. Despite his severe physical condition, his unwavering dedication and passion for his work remained steadfast and inspiring.

The loss of Professor Malek is deeply felt by all who had the honor of working alongside him. His commitment to his research and his support to his colleagues were nothing less than extraordinary. We extend our condolences to his family and loved ones during this incredibly difficult time. Our deepest sympathies are with them, and we pray for their wellness and strength.

Professor Malek’s spirit will always live in our hearts, and his memory will continue to inspire us. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

The photo was taken during his last visit to Bangladesh.

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